Talent Identification
and Assessment
Identifying and assessing talent is critical for success. Whether its attracting, recruiting, promoting or building a highly effective team with top performers, getting the right people in the right job is what separates good organizations from great ones.
Predicting potential and performance can be a reality with the right tools and expertise!
In partnership with Self Management Group, the global leader in talent management and the largest sales profiling company in the world, we offer turnkey solutions to all your talent management needs.
Screening Tools
Looking to manage your recruiting process more effectively? Our online employee screening tools integrate structured interviewing with psychometric profiling maximizing the Art and Science of screening through the integration of science and intuition. Our tools are efficient and economical methods for targeting and screening a high volume of applicants.
Selection Assessment Tools
Want to take the guesswork out of your hiring process or coaching strategy? Our employment assessment tools and profiles use science and advanced statistical methods to help you with your selection, training, and development decisions.
Want to take the guesswork out of your hiring process or coaching strategy? Our employment assessment tools and profiles use science and advanced statistical methods to help you with your selection, training, and development decisions.
Talent Nest
Want to streamline the selection process, hire top performers, and increase your organization’s effectiveness? This talent management software will do exactly that.
HR Tools and Surveys
Are you looking to reach greater levels of organizational effectiveness and productivity? Our Diversity and Inclusion solutions, Leadership and Identification profiles, Organizational Effectiveness and 360 surveys, and Positive Work Inventory are only a handful of HR tools that are revolutionizing how organizations are using measurable data and actionable insight to perform at a higher level.
Career Management Tools
Career Management Tools
Need some help on your career journey? Our career management profiles and diagnostic assessments are based on decades of in-depth research, which has allowed us to distill unique insight about the factors involved with an individual’s success.
Need some help on your career journey? Our career management profiles and diagnostic assessments are based on decades of in-depth research, which has allowed us to distill unique insight about the factors involved with an individual’s success.
Products for Individuals
Want to make informed decisions about your career, lifestyle, and personal growth. Check out our assessments for golf, sports, self-employment, stress and vitaly.